Sunday, January 17, 2010

Aristotle's Theory in Today's World

We as a nation are in a very difficult period of time right now economic wise, people are losing their jobs left and right.This is the time that truly reflects the character of a nation, it’s the people that make up nation, not the other way around, we dictate where we want to be headed and how we want to be valued as a nation. I have never had any doubt that America is THE best nation in the world, not because of its wealth, its political power, or its humongous military force, but rather it’s the institutions that were installed by the founding fathers. Who would not want to live on a land that is full of freedom, and could enjoy all the benefits that the government offers. Freedom, that is the essential key element to the success of our great nation.

I think that has all changed since the recession started. Starting with the distribution of so called the bail-out plan, I think it did stop the free fall of our economy and with the help of few other nations buying our debts. The question is how did we get to where we are at today, and how we are going to move forward. We would never learn if we did not know what the mistake was. I think the free fall of our economy all started with inside trading with companys like Enron and WorldCom, and the people that were involved in their activities. All they could see was the huge profits that they were making, but not realizing the damage they were doing to the whole economy. Aristotle said that the most nature way of trading is to barter, money would be the main objective once money is involved in the trading. Currency was created so that trading would become less complex and making transactions easier, it was not created so that people could make money out of money, that would totally kill the purpose of money. I do not think that Aristotle’s philosphy could fit into today’s culture, but at the same time I agree with him with the purpose of money, the purpose of it is for us to live well, but not make a living on money.


  1. I agree that Aristotle's philosophy on living verses living well and that money shouldn't be a means of itself and usury would not be able to survive in the world today. Like we said when we were in our group debate, Aristotle's thoery is a good one but the praciticality of is almost impossible. One main reason is because people are greedy and there's no way of avoiding that, especially today. Enron maybe started out as a meaningful company but they became overshadowed by their ambition and their own selfishness and greed that they ran their company into the ground along with innocent people. It was more about them than it was about others. It was more about what can you do for them instead of what can they help do for you.

  2. I completely agree on your view that we need to, as a nation, sit back and contemplate on the reasons that led to our current economic state. Also, I agree with your argument that Aristotle's ideas are good. I think that if, in any way, we can change our current business forms to include Aristotle's view on the value of money then we could improve at least in some way. But as Ms. Miller also mentioned, this would be practically impossible because, I agree, that people are too greedy and they only think about themselves, for the most part because there are also many people that use their wealth to help others. Money has completely blinded us and everything is based on making a profit from anything and everything, as we saw in the example of the attempt to privatize rain water in the film "The Corporation" and also using their employees and leaving them with absolutely nothing simply for their million dollar profits in "Enron".

  3. Totally agree! money was made to make it easier to trade and barter instead it became an item in the market itself. money is what everyone today wants to get. money is what makes our wold today function, but is it that same money that makes ou world crippled? the want for the money and greed that comes with it created the difference between living well today and living well according to Aristotle. today we try to gain and contain as much money as we can to out do others, where Aristole believed we should gain enough and gie the rest.

  4. Today everyone is out for the money. Whether it is to live better or just to have more. Its true we have no idea the value of money and if we all think about it many of us are in college for the education in order to get a better paycheck in the future. Why would anyone go for a masters degree if they have a bachelors degree? College more significally gives you the opportunity to learn more and to obtain the knowledge not everyone can get. Sorry for going off topic but while reading this it reminded me of this. Everyone loves money, Aristotle has a great view on the way we should use money but like Jacqueline mentioned above, many people are too greedy and a nation would never be well organized because there will always be outlyers.
